
Birds and Butterfly sites

On the South bank of the Tugela.

 The name Thukela  stems from the Zulu word meaning frightening and over the years it has claimed a large number of human lives. One of those to perish in its swollen waters was the brother of Woodward after whom the Woodward’s Barbet ( Now Green Barbet ). Woodward’s Batis and the cycad Encephalartos woodii were named. The brothers also produced the first bird list for Natal and Zululand.



 This small nature reserve is situated on land which was bequeathed to the then Natal Parks Board by the late Harold Johnson and was part of a farm he owned in the area. The vegetation had been preserved in its natural state by its former owner. The park lies adjacent to the historical sites of Fort Pearson and The Ultimatum tree. This reserve is regarded as one of the best if not the best butterfly areas in South Africa with around —- species recorded here.


See map

Proceed north from Durban on the N2 motorway and  take the Mandini Toll off-ramp and head towards Mandini on reaching the R102 take the entry road onto the R102 and head back towards Stanger approximately .. Ks you will see the signs on your left indicating Harold Johnson Fort Pearson and the Ultimatum tree. Take this dirt road and at the …km point you will see the sign on your left to Harold Johnson the park office are is … kms along this road. Phone the office for entry and someone will arrive to unlock the gate.  There is a small fee of R40 payable per person.  To get to Fort Pearson go back to the dirt road and turn left and .. kms  further on you will see a locked gate on your left at the gate look back across the road and you will see the Norfolk pines that mark the military cemetery. Open the gate and in front of you will see the Norfolk pines that mark the position of the Euphorbia /Naval redoubt and cemetery on the top of the small hill. There is parking area here a look-out point with good views of the river and a pleasant picnic site. About a hundred yards further along the dirt track you will come to Fort Pearson which you will recognise from the photo of the educational hut. To get to the ultimatum tree take the path that leads from the fort and proceed along the pedestrian bridge over the N2 to the tree. A total distance of about 300 yards the tree has been declared a national monument. The ultimatum tree can also be reached by going back to the gate and turning left proceed down this road until you see the sign to the ultimatum tree there is a short dirt track leading to the tree and parking area. Birders should continue along the road which travels for most of the way along the banks of the Thukela river stopping every so often to look for waders also check the large fig trees for fruit eating species. At one point the road comes to a T junction take the left hand turn and carry on down the Thukela you will eventually come to the high dune forest on your right and some beach cottages at the end of the road. You can park your car here and do some birding there is access here onto the beach and you can walk north along the beach to the Thukela mouth to look for gulls and terns. As this area is rather remote it is recommended that you go in a group and employ someone to look after your vehicle.


Take the Zinkwazi beach exit proceed towards Darnall When you reach the traffic lights at the R102 turn right after 8 kms you will come to the signboards on your right indicating Harold Johnson Fort Pearson and the Ultimatum Tree. Follow Previous instructions.


A picnic site with toilet facilities on a high ridge overlooking the Thukela River provides spectacular views with the Indian Ocean in the far distance. A conference centre is available by arrangement with park management. There is also a small museum on site.  A walking trail known as the Remedies and Rituals Trail winds through a section of the park and trees are named for the information of visitors. The trail is 1. 8 Km long and takes approximately one hour to complete.

Rare Colvillei form of                                                             Golden Piper

Trimens False acraea

Harold Johnson Nat Res





See map

Proceed north from Durban on the N2 motorway and  take the Mandini Toll off-ramp and head towards Mandini on reaching the R102 take the entry road onto the R102 and head back towards Stanger approximately .. Ks you will see the signs on your left indicating Harold Johnson Fort Pearson and the Ultimatum tree. Take this dirt road and at the …km point you will see the sign on your left to Harold Johnson the park office are is … kms along this road.

Birding and butterfly sites